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Frans Dekker | Stories from the natural world

The Oneta waterfalls

Asturias, Spain

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Penarronda beach

Asturias, Spain

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A day with the great white sharks in Gansbaai

Gansbaai, South Africa

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Waking up at 3 Cabos

Asturias, SpainWatch video

The natural treasures of Uvita

Puntarenas, Costa Rica

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A hungry Iberian ribbed newt

Granada, Spain

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Filming capucin monkeys at the beach

Drake Bay, Costa Rica

Close up with an Iberian newt

Asturias, Spain

Monsoon over the Hong Islands

Krabi, Thailand

The natural treasures of Uvita

Puntarenas, Costa Rica

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Filming raucous toads at night

Overberg, South Africa

The Cioyo waterfall

Asturias, Spain

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Waking up at 3 Cabos

Asturias, Spain

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Meet the fast gold-striped salamander

Asturias, Spain

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Chameleon on the hunt

Málaga, Spain

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Laughing falcon having a snake for lunch

Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

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Fire salamander

Filming fire salamanders in the north of Spain

Asturias, Spain

Welcome, and thank you for visiting my website. My name is Frans Dekker, and I love to capture the beauty of nature and the places I visit through filmmaking and (time-lapse) photography. Enjoy my stories from the natural world.


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